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Exploring the Major Concepts in Hobbes's Leviathan

Understand the philosophies of " Leviathan"  with this guide to exploring its major concepts. Take your learning up a notch with our expert analysis! Thomas Hobbes British  who was Thomas Hobbes and what did he believe HOBBES British ( 1588-1679) is a philosopher whom it is difficult to classify. He was an empiricist, like Locke , Berkeley, and Hume, but unlike them, he was an admirer of mathematical method, not only in pure mathematics, but in its applications. His general outlook was inspired by Galileo rather than Bacon. From Descartes to Kant, Continental philosophy derived much of its conception of the nature of human knowledge from mathematics, but it regarded mathematics as known independently of experience. It was thus led, like Platonism, to minimize the part played by perception, and over-emphasize the part played by pure thought. English empiricism, on the other hand, was little influenced by mathematics, and tended to have a wrong conception of scientific method.