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Who Was Anaximenes And anaximenes theory

 A naximenes of Miletus philosopher (585 - 525) Anaximenes was a Pre-Socratic philosopher who lived in 6th Century BC Greece and whose teachings were key to the development of philosophy. He proposed that all matter is comprised of air that can be transformed into different forms; his ideas set the foundations for Western philosophical thinking.  His observations of how different types of matter can change states - such as water changing to vapor (and vice versa) - has helped shape the understanding of the nature of matter and gravity, used in theories such as the Big Bang Theory in cosmology. A naximenes Who is Anaximander in philosophy  Anaximenes, the last of the Milesian triad, is not quite so interesting as Anaximander, but makes some important advances. His dates are very uncertain. He was certainly subsequent to Anaximander , and he certainly flourished before 494 B.C. maybe 585-525 BCE. since in that year Miletus was destroyed by the Persians in the course of their suppression